Urban ID

Urban Identity searches the soul of a city through common urban objects : each city has its own Urban ID.

L'âme d'une ville résidant dans ses détails - les formes, couleurs et matières du mobilier urbain -, l'assemblage en panneau de ceux-ci en est le reflet.

Urban ID - Shanghai

Urban ID - Paris

Urban ID - Phnom Penh

Urban ID - Berlin

Urban ID - Bangkok

Urban ID - Hamburg

Architectural Skies

Some architecture is skyproof,
some isn't.
Some buildings become part of the Great Ceiling,
some don't.
Some constructions let clouds live on,
some won't.
Some structures honor the Celestial Balance,
some deny it.
Some stones embrace the Sun's playground,
some reject it.

Many possible relationships, one unbreakable link.

Night and day fountains


A tale of empty places

Absences Urbaines